
Richard Paylor headshot









Mr. Richard Paylor, a native of Carteret County and long-time servant leader for Carteret County Public Schools, has been serving as Superintendent of CCPS since November 1, 2022.

Prior to becoming Superintendent of CCPS, Mr. Paylor  served as Assistant Superintendent of Administration and Operations for Carteret County Public Schools since August of 2017. He also previously served as Interim Superintendent of CCPS in 2020.  

In addition to his employment as Assistant Superintendent, Mr. Paylor has also served as a principal in Carteret County at both Newport Elementary School (2012-2015) and Down East Middle/Smyrna Elementary Schools (2015-2017). He has also served as an assistant principal at Newport Elementary School (2009-2012), as well as J.H. Rose High School and D.H. Conley High School, both in Greenville, NC (2005-2009). Prior to serving in administration, Mr. Paylor was a math teacher in both Pitt and Carteret counties from 1994 to 2003. 

Mr. Paylor holds a Master of School Administration degree from East Carolina University as a Principal Fellow and a Bachelor of Science degree in Mathematics Education from North Carolina State University as a Teaching Fellow after graduating from East Carteret High School in 1990. He is supported by his wife Kristi and son Hudson.