Title I


Although special populations such as homeless students, youth, and their families and other at-risk subgroups encounter distinctive problems that make receiving a quality education more difficult, Carteret County Schools are committed to providing appropriate educational services that meet these students' learning needs. The supplemental staff, materials, and effective strategies provided through Title I funding go hand-in-hand with the dedication and commitment of educators, parents, and community members to move economically-disadvantaged students toward a brighter future.


  • All Title I schools must complete a comprehensive needs assessment that drives all aspects of school operations.
  • School reform strategies must be implemented to address the identified needs.

Title I Program Information

Title I, the largest federal education program, is the foundation of the Every Students Succeed Act legislation. Title I funds are provided to schools with large numbers of economically-disadvantaged students. Based on the needs of their student subgroups, Title I schools design instructional programs and provide student services to supplement existing programs that are financed through local, state, and other federal funds. These additional funds are used to design strategies that meet the needs of students that are most at risk for school failure. Services may include hiring teachers to reduce class size, purchasing materials and supplies, and hiring additional teacher assistants or other personnel, or implementing new programs. A school that is designated as a school-wide Title I school has 40% or more its student population receiving Free or Reduced Lunches. Nine Carteret County elementary schools are currently Title I schools (Carteret County Selection Criteria) Only elementary schools are designated as Title I schools because much of a student's future success hinges on the quality educational beginning that is provided. Many times, students who live in poverty have greater educational needs than those who do not, and Title I funds help ensure that all children have the opportunity to obtain a high-quality education and reach proficiency on state assessments.

Title I distribution of Professional Development and Parent and Family Engagement Set-Asides

Parent and Family Engagement Page

Parents Right to Know - Parents of students attending Title I schools may have access to teacher qualifications upon request. All teachers in Title I schools are required to be licensed in the areas in which they teach.

Derechos que deben saber los padres - Padres de niños que están asistiendo escuelas calificadas como Título I pueden pedir o solicitar las cualificaciones profesionales o calificación del maestro. Todo maestro en escuelas Título I debe ser altamente calificado según esta definido por el Departamento de Instrucción de Carolina del Norte.

Every Student Succeeds Act legislation requires that instruction in Title I schools be provided by highly-qualified staff. Research shows that students make greater academic gains when instructed by highly-qualified professionals. To assist teachers and teacher assistants in attaining and maintaining their highly-qualified status, all schools provide scientifically, research-based professional development. In addition, of Title I funds allocated each year a small portion is set aside to provide high quality, ongoing professional development to teachers and teacher assistants.


Carteret County Schools Report Card

Carteret County Parent and Family Engagement Policy

Title I Application


Carteret County Schools is transitioning to NCStar as their School Improvement Plan platform. These plans are currently being created. For previous SIP see the school website.


School Website
Atlantic Elementary School http://aes-ccs-nc.schoolloop.com/
Beaufort Elementary School http://bes-ccs-nc.schoolloop.com/
Bogue Sound Elementary School http://bse-ccs-nc.schoolloop.com/
Harkers Island Elementary School http://hies-ccs-nc.schoolloop.com/
Morehead Elementary School http://mes-ccs-nc.schoolloop.com/
Morehead City Primary School http://mcps-ccs-nc.schoolloop.com/
Newport Elementary School http://nes-ccs-nc.schoolloop.com/
Smyrna Elementary School http://ses-ccs-nc.schoolloop.com/
Bridges Alternative School http://blc-ccs-nc.schoolloop.com/